Open the

door to your inner stillness.

When you’ve experienced some level of spiritual uncertainty already and you realize that you’ve had enough of hiding behind layers of false identity - Just know that you are not alone! 

We are together in this, interconnected - it’s a joint healing journey humanity is now going through - and by healing yourself you are healing us all.

Discover the profound depths of your own healing abilities - harnessing the power of self-realization and silence.

I am il'il Sat Prem - healer, teacher and yogini, here to nurture you on your transformative journey of interconnectedness - with the ancient art of meditative absorption.

Years of experience as a healer, teacher, naturopath and Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer resulted in a unique blend of different teaching and healing modalities, allowing me to meet you exactly where you are on your path. 

Welcome to this sacred space of deep stillness and joy.

Closing the gap between pain and peace, suffering and serenity: as we heal ourselves, we heal the world - and vice versa!

Allow me to guide you on a journey of self-realization, healing, and boundless love as I remind you that the magic of healing is already in you.

At the age of 14, I experienced the beginning of my own Kundalini awakening. A whole new dimension of awareness started unfolding within me, opening up the gateway to a world of newfound healing powers. Later in my twenties, through an all-encompassing love for another soul, I experienced a profound merging of Beings, leading to an explosive moment of ego-transcendence, followed by a profound process of awakening and integration. More healing powers emerged: the gateway became a flood… 

I began to see people in all of their temporal dimensions, sensing their pain and identifying the areas in need of healing.

I discovered the power to traverse time and space, bringing healing to distant realms.

Through dedicated study, practice, and serving countless clients, I refined my skills and gained invaluable insights that I now share with you.

I’m here to guide you into the deepest parts of your healing journey.

Join me on this transformative journey and delve into the depths of your being, to transcend your boundaries and embrace the interconnected nature of our existence. 

Together, we will embark on a journey of self-realization and stillness - where you will discover that the magic of healing already lives within you. 

Awaken The Most Loving Version Of Yourself

As we delve into the depths of our own healing, we become conduits for transformation, radiating love, compassion and healing energy to those around us. The journey inward is not only a gift to ourselves but a profound act of service to others.

Closing the gap between pain and peace, suffering and serenity: as we heal ourselves, we heal the world - and vice versa!

Serving others, we too are healed. It’s a delicate inner dance that will harmonize your inner and outer worlds - it can reach far and wide - and it will help you unravel the hidden depths of your being, releasing layer after layer of pain, limitation, and self-doubt. 

Allow yourself to deepen your soul’s expression and embrace the most loving version of yourself.

Imagine finding stillness amidst the chaotic tapestry of life.

Imagine finding stillness amidst the chaotic tapestry of life, experiencing a profound and transformative inner peace that nurtures you on a soul level.

It’s this kind of stillness that I use in my work, creating spaces - both online and in person - to facilitate expanded healing, and to guide you toward your own healing powers.

Whether you choose to enroll in my video course and discover the healer in you - or engage in guided group sessions or a one-on-one healing process with me - you will dive into the depths of your being, enhance your radiance and expand the power of your perception.

All powers are powers of perception

Using meditative practices of mystical absorption, guided by Kundalini Wisdom and intertwined with the timeless art of Chinese medicine - you will transcend the boundaries of time and space, and immerse yourself in the interconnectedness of all life.

Let’s embark on an extraordinary odyssey together: let’s open the door to deep, inner stillness.

My own personal journey as a solo mama and immigrant in New York and then Berlin has given me a deep understanding of the very real hardships life can throw our way. I am intimately familiar with the struggles that challenging life events and circumstances can put us through, and this hard-won wisdom I gently weave into my teaching and healing work, as I support and compassionately guide you on your path. 

The Magic Of Healing Is Already Within You

I realised my place
in our intertwined connectedness.

A hyper-sensitive soul, right in the midst of a full-blown kundalini awakening - crossing Madison Square Park one fine spring evening, the energy of the city overwhelmed me. I felt like the souls of all who had ever loved, lived, dreamed, and departed in this place were somehow flowing through my whole being. I stood there, vulnerable, stripped to my core. I was SOUL NAKED.

In the middle of this chaos, a gentle inner voice whispered, "Breathe... Look up... It's okay to smile..." And at that moment, something deeply shifted in me. The pain and inner turmoil became an invitation to experience the simplicity of Being, to embrace each breath and find solace in a smile. 

In a still moment. 

It was then that a profound realization washed over me—I realized my place in our intertwined connectedness.

Shifting between cosmic and human perspective became effortless: there I was - so small and yet an integral part of it all. 

What a blessing to be alive!

I embraced the interconnectedness with all things. 

Compassion flowed through me, encompassing the entire cosmos in its loving embrace.

Let me share with you a glimpse of my own journey.


the magic of healing is already in you.

Humbled and so grateful for this gift of heightened sensitivity - I finally welcomed this ability to experience life's full spectrum of emotions. My own process of healing, the shedding of layers of protection and numbness from deep within - has allowed me to fully live, love, and sense the world around me. In that moment I understood the power I had to hold space for others: to extend my heart fully and to embrace their pains, struggles, and triumphs. 

I embarked on a journey to strengthen myself. I cultivated resilience and committed to care for my own being with unwavering tenderness. Kundalini Yoga became my guiding light, providing nurturing and stability as I began to embrace this exquisite sensitivity that had finally transformed from a burden to a gift. 

Now, I invite you to join me—to explore the depths of your own being and discover the profound magic of healing that already resides within.

Together, we will explore the transformative power within you. Allow me to guide you on a journey of self-realization, healing, and boundless love. 

The magic of healing is already in you.