How I Became A Healer

I'd like to share my story with you -

the story of how I became a healer - with the art of distant healing.

My spiritual journey began at the age of 14. Someone showed me a breathing exercise from the Kundalini tradition. I was blown away... Secretly practicing it, a whole new dimension of my awareness started to unfold. Unique and unknown, yet intimately familiar - the experience felt like it most deeply belonged to me and at the same time was free of any attachment to my young life or emotional identity. An intense process of self exploration ensued: I became an artist and a teacher.

Fast forward to my mid twenties - a life crisis and a second deep dive into the power of the breath led to a Kundalini awakening. Healing capabilities spontaneously emerged. It was quite confusing at first! I had to explore it.

Oh those unsuspecting commuters on the A train from Brooklyn, who will never know they were my first 'clients' ever… 😬

Thankfully, this time around I quickly realized guidance was essential. I was blessed to meet my teacher, Guru Dev Singh Khalsa, master healer and yogi - shortly after. Guru Dev taught me to trust my intuition, and showed me how to effectively heal without ever leaving my center or losing precious energy. I have been his student ever since and until his passing in 2021.

Oddly enough, long before social distancing, long before home-office - remote healing was the first forms of healing that I practiced. It’s what helped me become a 'proper' healer, because it showed me how to fully trust my healing powers and skills.

I was in a long distance relationship back then, that wasn’t going well. My beloved was suffering. I wanted so desperately to help but I couldn’t be there in person.

My need was so strong, my longing so powerful, and my heart so wide open - that bit by bit, the answers came.

In deep meditation, I realized the skills and realities of remote healing. I have practiced, studied, researched and refined these skills over the years, serving many clients on their healing path.

The trick to remote healing - is to learn how to connect. When you learn how to connect to realities other than your own, you can start the work of healing.

Your first step is inner observation.
Close your eyes, go within.
Choose something to relate to, search for it.
Be absolutely calm and quiet.
Don’t imagine anything - you don’t need to make anything up,
And don’t create any separations within your awareness -


would you like to learn more?

I am a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer, healer, Naturopath, practitioner of Chinese medicine - and founder of Healing in The Flow - the school of Applied Silence.

And I have been a teacher for over 25 years.

In 2020 the pandemic hit. Then I got pregnant and gave birth - becoming the proud solo-mama to my daughter Agam.

One result of these momentous shifts in life, was that I found myself, like so many others - working more and more online.

Now… don't get me wrong - I love meeting people in person, and I will always be offering in-person treatments and classes.
But I was also reminded, that

Remote healing is incredibly powerful.
It teaches us to connect to others in the deepest sense.

It brings out the treasure of our most brilliant, subtle selves -

And most importantly - it is a skill that you can learn.

You can cultivate it - and make it yours.

Find out for yourself?

Join the online group healing Sunday Sessions.



The Secret to KNOWING