It is in the nature of language that it asks us to identify ourselves. Here are a few things that make up my identity. And my unusual name, too…
il’il אילאיל Sat Prem ਸਤਿ ਪਰੈਮ.
Let me share
my journey with you
I was born by the Mediterranean Sea, in a city called Tel Aviv – a short walking distance from the half-buried ruins of al-Mas’udiyya المسعوديه صميل.
My childhood was spent in observation and play: The world around me was sunny, unbearably hot – and I had a way to see the sounds, feel words on my skin – their shapes, their taste, their colors. The unconscious movement of things was often louder than the screams of the grey crows, louder than the cries of the multitudes of skinny street cats. All I had to do was listen.
Perception has always fascinated me, and so has the interrelation of things.
First I became a musician.
Then - my name… I was blessed with a very uncommon one. “il’il” has no actual meaning apart from its sound - a Hebrew poet gave it to his beloved long ago – a private or a secret name, in his poems to the woman he loved.
Sat Prem ਸਤਿ ਪਰੈਮ was given to me later, a spiritual name; ‘true love’, or ‘divine love of truth’. At that time I was living in New York, practicing Kundalini Yoga.
I became a teacher.
Guru Dev Singh Khalsa, Master Healer and Yogi, my Teacher, I met in 2008. It became immediately clear to me that I had to learn from this man.
He showed me, that I was a Healer.
Healing manifests as a learning process, and a learning process should be a process of healing – I perceive them as very similar experiences. Both are about growth, expanding our perception, the “melting away” of perceived limitations.
In Teaching – of yoga or healing – this is the experience that I wish for my student and that I guide them towards. This is the experience that I provide them with the tools to arrive at.
In Healing – with Healing in The Flow, Chinese Acupuncture, Kundalini Yoga – the setting and procedures may be different – but the experience I strive to facilitate is essentially the same.
My healing
During a treatment, I use the tools and modalities I find appropriate to use – your current circumstances, and the experience your would like to have - determine the course of the treatment.
In an in-person session, I may use Chinese Acupuncture, which is an elegant and a profound system that can effectively help with a variety of conditions: pain, stress, headaches, reproductive issues, allergies, autoimmune conditions, depression, burn-out – to name just a few.
Having practiced and taught Kundalini Yoga for many years, I have come to realize the importance of practice, of a Sadhana – a personal daily routine. It has changed my own life profoundly – physically, mentally as well as spiritually – and I’ve witnessed it change the lives of so many others.
A good healer resolves resistances in your system* – removes limitations, dissolves blockages, produces a healing impulse, and facilitates or reveals an ‘inner space’ for your healing process to manifest. Healing can then unfold.
Following the treatment, substantial shifts can certainly occur and they very often do – the best results are achieved, however, when you take an active part in your own healing process. This, I find, is a decisive moment in the healing journey – and this is where Yoga Therapy comes in.
Attentive to your lifestyle, physical condition, experience, free time and readiness – I will help you establish a daily practice consisting of specifically and carefully selected exercises and meditations, to help sustain the effects of the treatment and to ease and promote the process of healing and transformation.
Even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference!
Healing manifests as a learning process, and a learning process should be a process of healing.
In 2011 I moved to Berlin and trained as a Naturopath. I offer online and in-person individual healing sessions, and I also work with groups – as a teacher of Kundalini Yoga and Healing in The Flow, and as a workshop and retreat facilitator.
I love seeing people transform, discover their potential, find joy in their lives and commit to their process of growth. I feel blessed to guide them on their journey!
SAT NAM ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ

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Healing In The Flow’ is a non-invasive technique where I meditate and you simply relax, to dissolve blockages and support self-healing & regenerative powers.
Regardless of which tools and modalities we choose to apply in your healing journey, permeating the healing experience, is Healing in The Flow. Healing in The Flow is an ancient meditative healing art, and my main tool and expertise. It is a non-invasive technique where I meditate and you simply relax. Through this process, blockages are dissolved in your system, supporting your body’s self-healing and regenerative powers.
Healing in The Flow can be very beneficial for pain, stress, emotional and mental disorders, for chronic as well as severe illnesses, energy imbalance, for dealing with the effects of trauma, and as additional support for those going through other forms of therapy. It allows the client to experience inner balance, mental clarity and a sense of presence, and to arrive at a deeper understanding of Self.
It is a wonderful tool on the path of personal growth and transformation.
I invite you to have an experience – your journey can start right now!
*Bodily experience, energy flow, state of consciousness, resonance with your environment etc.